Opening to the Great Fullness of Life

with Eric Klein & Devi Bliss



In our most sacred moments, we feel and know the immense richness and beauty of life.

In these moments, the veils of unworthiness fall away and we bask in the abundance of being.

  • It’s stunning.
  • Beautiful.
  • Grace-filled.

But then - for most of us - the revelation fades.
A conditioned sense of lack returns. We experience ourselves as not-enough and life as a struggle. We feel boxed in, limited, lacking in resources.

Naturally, we want to return to abundance.
Often we seek abundance by going after things. We try to fill the sense of lack with objects, experiences, even states of mind. But, getting more  - whether money or mind states - distracts us from the abundance that can’t be gained or lost.

True abundance can’t be gained or lost.
Abundance is your very nature. The key is to realize, embody, and express it . . . now!

But, how?

Learn and practice an ancient mantra of Abundance.

This mantra facilitates conscious communion with the Overflowing Generosity of the Feminine Divine known in Sanskrit as Sri Lakshmi.

As the resonance of the “seed” mantra of Abundance comes alive in your awareness, it:

  • Dissolves self-limiting belief structures.
  • Releases habits of self-criticism and shaming.
  • Heals memories that perpetuate an identity of not-enoughness.

As you commune with the mantra, the world of abundance opens up for you. It’s not a new world, really.

It’s the sacred world that is already here, veiled by the memory tracks in incompleteness and the habits of struggle.

The mantra opens you to the astounding generosity that is always available in Four Sacred Domains:

  • Relationships
  • Prosperity
  • Well-Being
  • Spiritual Awareness
Join the ABUNDANCE program

Awaken to Abundance

Receive the generosity of Life & the wealth of your soul.

Open to the Great Fullness

Discover how theA bundance mantra blesses your life from the inside-out.

Be a Healing Presence

Become a source of generous healing for your inner & outer worlds.

How does the program work?

This is not a program about:

  • Getting more of what you don’t have.
  • Tapping into the cosmic cash flow.

It is about:

  • Dissolving the trance of not-enoughness into the gold of awakening.
  • Experiencing the rich depths of this life - even when the world is in turmoil.

Spiritual practice strengthens your capacity to realize and receive the generosity of life.

That is why, in this program, we will take a practice-based, experiential journey into the principles and practices of opening to the generosity of life. So you can:

  • Realize and embody natural abundance.
  • Tap rich inner resources of peace, strength, and creativity.
  • Heal the stories and unredeemed memory tracks that perpetuate a sense of lack.
  • Become a greater source of blessing energy for the world.

“Eric & Devi are able to breathe life into the teachings and make them real and personally relevant.”

-- Jessica Jewel

Lincoln, Nebraska

“The richness of these teachings is infinite. There is openness, humanness, down-to-earth, and deep knowing.”

Gisela Kissing

Berlin, Germany

Your willingness to connect with me as a person is remarkable and lovely in this internet world. When I asked a question, you would actually respond. I got more than I expected.”
– Jean Johnson, Minneapolis, MN

Join the ABUNDANCE program

What the program includes?

This is a rich, multi-media learning experience. Our focus is on practice and integration and whole-hearted support. (Click on the + to read more details.)

Standard Program includes:

Premium: Individual Coaching Option

Making deep, soulful changes is sacred work.

Obstacles and dark nights are part of the path. Meeting and navigating these deep challenges calls for skill, clarity, and deep listening. A guide can help.

That’s why I’m offering Individual Coaching (at a discounted price) as an option.

I’ve supported hundreds of people over the years through the Forgiveness Process. If this feels right to you, choose the Premium Option below. 

The Premium Program includes one 30-minute coaching call.

"All my life I have yearned for a spiritual teacher, while being frightened of gurus. I wanted a teacher I could be comfortable with yet be skillfully taught by. I am blessed to have found this teacher in Eric. His wisdom, humility, real world business experience, and most of all, sense of humor, are allowing me to gain the spiritual maturity I yearn for.

– Jennifer Louden,

Best Selling Author: The Women’s Comfort Book, Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What's Next

Get Access Now



  • 4 Video teachings

  • 4 audio meditations & mantras








  • 4 Video teachings

  • 4 audio meditations & mantras

  • 4 Live Calls


  • One 30-minute Coaching Session with Eric ($150 value)

What you offer is unique. I’m eighty-three years old and I’ve studied with many teachers and gurus. You’re a masters at what you do. It’s a marvel to behold.”

Jim Richmond, Santa Fe, New Mexico

What I found with Wisdom Heart is a kindness and gentleness that exceeded my wildest hopes. This morning when pausing and bathing my body-mind in loving awareness – I  cried joyfully. It feels like sitting in the lap of God.”

Ann Jensen Richards, San Diego, California

About the Teachers
This program is taught by Eric & Devi – co-founders of Wisdom Heart and ordained lineage holders in a 3,000 year old Kriya Yoga tradition.


They have been married and practicing these methods together for almost 50 years and have have taught together both online and on retreats in United States and Europe.


"One of our commitments at Wisdom Heart is to bring deep, authentic practices to you - in a way that works for householders i.e. busy people. These methods have worked for thousands of people for thousands of years. They can work for you."


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