Bhagavad Gita:

Face Fear & Live Free

(Wisdom for times of trauma & transformation)


The challenges of stress, struggle, and spiritual confusion aren’t new.

People have been wrestling with how to live an awakened life in the midst of chaos and confusion for millennia. But, the severity and implications of our current global crises are unique. 

We’re in a real moment of obvious trauma and potential transformation. We are each being called to a new level of being and doing.

But, given the enormity, what can we do?

That’s a good question, if we take it truly to heart and don’t leap to familiar conclusions. In the current situation, we’re each being called to:

1. Break free from self-sabotaging doubt and fear.

When our vision is clouded by doubt and fear, our world appears dangerous, overwhelming, and beyond repair. We hunker down and take actions that - even when aimed at freedom - increase suffering for ourselves and those we love. How can we clarify the mind and see clearly? It starts with meditation.

2. Make meditation a way of life.

Most modern meditation teachings focus on self-regulation, self-improvement, self-realization. Notice something? The word “self”. In the modern marketing of meditation, it’s all about me. But, if we’re after abiding happiness and a sustainable world, it’s not.

Deep meditation dissolves the self-centered dream into a life of compassionate engagement. Meditation starts on the cushion but doesn’t end there. Meditation is way of life that reaches deep and wide.

3. Serve the awakening of the world - right where you are.

 As our vision clarifies and the heart opens, the opportunities for service become clear. There are so many places that call for care and blessing. 

What is yours to do given the enormity of the situation? Embodying this question is at the heart of an awakening life. In this program, you will learn how to let this question guide you into ever deeper levels of care, courage, and compassionate engagement.

The Ultimate Spiritual Guide for Uncertain Times

It’s called the Bhagavad Gita. This program is based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita – - one of the world’s most revered texts of spiritual wisdom. It's thousands of years old and absolutely keyed to the needs of this moment - individually and collectively.

Stop Struggling

Let go of what no longer serves you or the world.

Live Your Dharma

Follow your path of healing and service.

Be an Agent of Awakening.

Powerfully share your gifts and presence.

"When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day."

~ Mahatma Gandhi

The Essence of the Gita

I’ve been studying, meditating on, and living into the Gita’s teachings for 50 years. In this program, I’ve distilled the text into a series of clear explanations, deep practices, and applied wisdom.

You'll receive a spiritually powerful, psychologically healthy, and down-to-earth process to:

  • Untangle your life from the illusions of conditioning
  • Experience the blessing of Pure Being
  • Strengthen your capacity to embody and express your dharma

Reading the Gita on my own left me stumped –- how could this story set on a battlefield in ancient India have anything to do with my spiritual awakening? 

Then, along came Eric, who manages to skillfully decode the meaning within this ancient text, making it accessible and relevant to anyone interested in transforming themselves and the way they experience life.

He does so using his gifts of wisdom and the desire to help others on their path, along with his delightful sense of humor. Eric's enthusiasm for –, and dedication to sharing teachings such as these – is apparent to anyone who has been fortunate enough to study with him. He truly is a gifted teacher.

— Jean Van Bonn

How it works: the Wisdom Heart “drip system” learning method.

We use a “drip system” approach that brings you the Gita's wisdom over a 12- week periods. You receive small, easy-to-absorb “drips” of experience, information, and inspiration that take you deeper teaching-by-teaching.

Why the drip . . . drip . . . drip?
Because we want you to integrate the teachings and assimilate the changes that the program will initiate. We’re not after a big experience that fades away. Our learning methodology weaves the awakening process into your daily life.

What you receive:

40 Meditation Practices (In audio MP3 format)

The pace of the program is designed to optimize the transmission. It’s not a fire hose of information. It’s a transformative process that uses daily inspirations to shift your mindset, lift your attitude, and deepen your understanding.

Each teaching moves seamlessly into a meditation. The meditation practices gently and skillfully take you beyond the mind and connect you with what the Gita is pointing to: the Source of wisdom, guidance, strength, and healing within.

A 225-page book of Gita teachings & commentary

We value beauty, simplicity, and clarity. Creating learning materials is our art. That’s why the written materials for this program are beautiful to the eye and pleasing to the heart.

These written teachings are not rough transcriptions of the audios. This is a professionally edited and designed book filled with inspiring writing and reflective exercises.

Reflective Journal

Deepen your understanding with reflective journaling. The questions and reflections in the journal highlight key teachings and invite you to integrate the teachings into your life.

Weekly Coaching Calls (Live!)

A transformational process like this brings up “stuff” –- and that’s good news. Working with what comes up –- the emotions, fears, questions, reactions –- is best done in dialogue with an experienced guide. That’s what the live coaching calls are for.

Each week you’re invited to participate in a real-time dialogue with Eric where you can examine how to integrate the teachings and practices into the unique pattern of your life conditions. All calls are recorded. So it’s okay if you’re not there live. You can listen at any time.

Premium Level participation includes these bonuses:

All of the above Plus:

  • A full year of Wisdom Heart courses & 50 live calls: $550 value

  • Two 30-minute individual coaching sessions with Eric: $250 value

  • Access to the Wisdom Heart Library of courses: $950 value




Bhagavad Gita Standard:

  • 40 Meditation Practices (In audio MP3 format)

  • A 225-page book of Gita teachings & commentary

  • Reflective Journal

  • 12 Coaching Calls (Live!)




  • 40 Meditation Practices (In audio MP3 format)

  • A 225-page book of Gita teachings & commentary

  • Reflective Journal

  • 12 Coaching Calls (Live!)


  • A full year of courses & 50 live calls: $550 value
  • Two 30-minute individual coaching sessions with Eric: $250 value
  • Access to the Wisdom Heart Library of courses: $950 value

Best Value



  • 40 Meditation Practices (In audio MP3 format)

  • A 225-page book of Gita teachings & commentary

  • Reflective Journal

  • 12 Coaching Calls (Live!)


  • A full year of courses & 50 live calls: $550 value
  • Two 30-minute individual coaching sessions with Eric: $250 value
  • Access to the Wisdom Heart Library of courses: $950 value

“Everything about Eric's work and guidance is nourishing, powerful, and real. He is one of my most trusted teachers –both- for my heart and for my own teaching and writing. Best of all, he teaches me through lightness and love.”

–Jen Louden, 
best-selling author and writing coach


 “I’d tried to read the Gita several times and even went to some classes, but it never caught me. And I’d wondered about how brilliant people, like Thoreau and Oppenheimer who famously quote it, got through it! 

Now I see: It has so much to do with the translation and interpretation! The translations this program uses are astoundingly beautiful, uplifting and compelling. And Eric’s interpretation brings them so directly into my own life and practice. It has literally been thrilling to experience the Gita in this way and feel the richness expanding my practice.”

–Lisa Johnson
 Trabuco Canyon, CA


What if I don’t have enough time and fall behind?
We have a slogan at Wisdom Heart - you proceed at the pace of integration. In other words, you can’t fall behind if you're following your own authentic pace. For example, if you listen to one teaching over and over for three months - and find it meaningful - you’re not “falling behind.”

So what’s the actual time commitment?
The recorded teachings (there are 40) are about 15-minutes long (sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less). Each recording moves you seamlessly into a meditative state. You can stay in meditation for as long as you choose. You can also read the lessons - if you prefer to learn that way. 

I’m new to the Gita, will I still understand the content and benefit from the program?
No prior study or familiarity is needed to benefit from this program. Everything is explained in clear, practical language with a focus on how to apply the teachings to your life and spiritual practice.

What if I can’t make the live calls?
All calls are recorded and distributed to participants. You can listen at your leisure.

Our Karma-Free Guarantee

It feels bad to receive money from people when they aren’t happy with what they get. So we’re offering you this Karma-Free Guarantee:

  • If, after the first two weeks of the program, you aren’t happy with what we’re offering -  for any reason whatsoever - let us know. We’ll refund your payment. Ask anytime in the first two weeks of the program - and we’ll refund 100% of the money you paid for the course.
  • Plus, if you let me know what you didn’t like about it, I’ll give you a recommendation for a book, author, website, or other resource that might suit you much better.
    I’m really wanting you to get the help you need, no matter where it comes from.

Still not sure?
If you’re interested in this program but aren’t quite sure if it’s a fit for you, please email me with your questions. I promise not to hard sell. Ask me anything, let’s figure it out.

This work is sacred, deep, and while you don’t have to be totally at ease before starting - it’s important to address your questions and concerns. I look forward to hearing from you.

QUESTION? Email me here

Who teaches the program?

This program is taught by Eric Klein (Tejasananda) a co-founder of Wisdom Heart and ordained lineage holder in a 3,000 year-old Kriya Yoga tradition. He's worked with thousands of people over the decades, in corporate board rooms and spiritual retreats. Eric is married to Devi - the other Wisdom Heart co-founder. They've been living these teachings together for 50 years, have two adult sons (see photo) and have taught this program together both online and on retreats in United States and Europe.


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