The Source of All Healing


When trauma and karma run our lives, we experience:

• Body tension, pain, and compulsive behaviors.
• Anxious, critical thoughts and self-doubt.
• Relationship misunderstandings, power struggles, and lack of connection.
• Professional loss of direction, stress, lack of...

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Chakras and Astrology: What's the Connection?


Chakra School: Untangle the Knots of Trauma & Karma.
Embody Your Radical Wholeness.


When trauma and karma run our lives, we experience:

  • Body tension, pain, and compulsive behaviors.
  • Anxious, critical thoughts and self-doubt.
  • Relationship misunderstandings, power struggles, and lack...
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How to make anxiety your friend

A reader who’s left the corporate world and is embarking on a new entrepreneurial venture sent this question:
“At what point does being ‘responsible’ shift into just being caught in a negative mindset where it’s all about avoiding risk and liability?

When does due...

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How Does Mantra Meditation Work?


Imagine that you’ve gone to your favorite food market to pick up something for dinner. You’re scanning the bread shelves looking for a tasty loaf, wondering, “Hmmm, gluten-free? Rye? Sourdough?”

Then, you hear someone calling your name. What do you do next?

You turn in the...

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Hacks are Hopeless & the Awesome Power of Goo

awareness doodle meditation Jul 08, 2021

Before a caterpillar can become a butterfly, it must become goo.
Within the cocoon, as the form of the caterpillar totally dissolves, it turns to a liquid that is rich with nutrients and potential. From that goo, the butterfly is formed.

Within the goo are what biologists call imaginal...

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The End of Distortion

doodle meditation May 12, 2021

There’s a truck turning around in front of my house.
It’s beep-beep-beeping as it backs up, goes forward, backs up, and goes forward – in order to turn around. It performs this beeping pirouette four times an hour . . . all day long. The construction company that building 19...

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What's better than nothing?

We had gathered to celebrate our friend’s 60th birthday. Between sips of chai tea and bites of dhal, I was catching up with the woman sitting next to me. We hadn’t talked in 6 months. She was relating her recent relationship adventures.

“When I met him,” she said,...

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How to get into the Flow State

doodle meditation Jan 13, 2021

When I was in my twenties and recently married, my father-in-law invited me to join him for a Sunday morning golf game. I’d never played a round of real golf only the miniature kind. But, given that I was the hippy-new-son-in-law, how could I say no?

I stepped up to the first tee.
I swung....

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Two Step

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