God, Grace,

&ย Goal Setting Webinar

Webinar Workbook


Goal Setting as Spiritual Practice WELCOME


Goal Setting Spiritual Practice Part 1 - Introduction & Dharma


Goal Setting Spiritual Practice Part 2 - Align with the Inner Sun


Goal Setting Spiritual Practice Part 3 - Reflections on Solar Path


Goal Setting Spiritual Practice Part 4 - Where to Focus the Light?


"What" Goals & "How" Goals


Goal Setting Spiritual Practice Part 6 - Releasing is Self-Care


Goal Setting Spiritual Practice Part 7 - The 3x5 Secret


Goal Setting Spiritual Practice Part 8 - Q&A and Conclusion


Bhagavad Gita teachings & Reflective Journal

The following videos bring your short talks on key verses from the Bhagavad Gita that will deepen your understanding and practice of goal setting as a spiritual practice.

Module 1: Ambition without Desire


Module 2: How to Deal with Loss (And Gain)


Module 3: Why Goals Make You Miserable (And the Alternative)


Module 4: Full Commitment (without Attachment)


Module 5: Let the Current Carry You


Module 6: The Inner Secret to Success


Module 7: Your Unique Path


Module 8: Everything is On Schedule


Module 9: Discipline, Yoda, and Grace


Module 10: Let the Light Move You


Module 11: Dwell in the Presence


50% Complete

Two Step

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