Free yourself from reactive patterns.
You can heal your family karma.
You don’t have to grow old inside the box of your conditioning – never really opening your heart and sharing your gifts and presence fully with the world.
Whether you grew up in a family filled with bliss or drama, you have family karma.
Family karma is encoded into the cells of your body and conditioned into the patterns of your thoughts and emotions.
Whether you’re labeled “The Golden Child" or “The “Black Sheep” of the family doesn’t matter. All karmic patterns limit your experience of freedom, joy, and love. But, it needn’t be that way.
You can be free.
But not by “understanding” your patterns. The patterns that were learned and reinforced in your early years are deeply encoded into your body and mind. Understanding – which is of the mind – doesn’t get to the root of the matter.
Healing occurs at a deeper level.
The teachings and practices in this program touch and transform your family karma at the cellular and soul levels. When you shift at these deeper levels, you release habits of emotional struggle and naturally:
• Respond with wisdom, love, and strength when others “push your buttons.”
• Follow your soul’s wisdom-guidance, rather than seeking approval.
• Enjoy your life as a journey of growing in wisdom and living in love.
Who is Healing Family Karma for?
The Healing Family Karma (HFK) program is for people who want to be free of unhealthy emotional and spiritually destructive patterns AND are willing to devote 20 minutes a day to the practices in the HFK program. While each person’s karma is unique, there are patterns to family karma.
HFK is for you if you recognize one or more of these patterns:
- You find yourself repeating the painful relationship dynamics you learned in childhood.
- You can’t seem to let go of reactive/defensive/addictive patterns even though you’ve done tons of personal/spiritual growth work.
- You know you have more to give to the world but hold back because of self-doubt and fear.
- You keep doing what others want and seeking approval instead of following your dream.
“I’ve had breakthroughs and shifts before, but this program went deeper.
I had no idea how you were going to use symbols or practices. But you gave me both – without any airy-fairy-ness.
Your descriptions were so lucid – it made the ancient teachings practical and connected to my experience.
You showed me how to go to the roots of my emotional wounds with my father and also those associated with my former mate. Your approach is powerful and clear.”
– Cathe Burnham, La Jolla, California

This is not a life hack.
There is no skipping steps on the path of awakening.
The Healing Family Karma practices are based on the sacred wisdom and methods of an ancient yoga lineage. These karma-healing practices are completely congruent with the emerging insights of neuroscience, developmental theory, and depth psychology.
These practices have allowed thousands of people over many centuries find freedom. They work.
Start NowHow Does Healing Family Karma Work?
The Healing Family Karma program is divided into 6 Stages (comprising 28 carefully designed lessons.)
Each lesson includes teachings and guided practices that take you deeper in six stages:
Stage 1: Wake Up to the Drama
Stage 2: Break Out of the Drama
Stage 3: Commune with Healing Energies
Stage 4: Discover the Sacred Purpose
Stage 5: Release and Reform Patterns
Stage 6: Return to Your Path

"The teachings and meditations have acted as an extended shamanic healing.
With Eric and Devi’s guidance, I have reintegrated aspects of myself – my ‘dismembered’ family – and as a result feel greater peace, wholeness, and genuine joy."
– Martha Lawrence, San Diego, CA
Learn At Your Own Pace
Some people like to stick with a particular teaching or practice for a few days before moving to the next step. You can’t fall behind if you’re being true to your own learning process.
Revisit and review the materials any time.
Remember, you’re not checking off items on a to-do list, you’re establishing a meditation habit that will last a lifetime (or more).
Start Now
“For a long while, my relationship with my father has felt fragmented – a lot of discord. Now I have a much stronger sense of symphony and harmony with my Dad.
In fact, I had a long talk him on the phone yesterday. It’s probably the best talk we’ve had in years. We talked for an hour and I usually can’t talk with him for more than 10 minutes! It’s working!
And there’s much less “noise” in my relationship with father and with my husband. I don’t tangle up my father-karma with my experience of my husband.
I may be late coming to this party – but it’s great! I feel more resonance and closeness with my husband and more wholeness in my life. This is wonderful. Thank you.”
– Jennifer Wasmer, Northampton, Massachusetts

The Standard HFK Program Includes:
(Click on the + to read more details.)
28 Powerful Teachings
Guided Spiritual Practices
Premium: Individual Coaching Option
Making deep, soulful changes is sacred work.
Obstacles and dark nights are part of the path. Meeting and navigating these deep challenges calls for skill, clarity, and deep listening. A guide can help.
That’s why I’m offering Individual Coaching (at a discounted price) as an option.
I’ve supported hundreds of people over the years through the Forgiveness Process. If this feels right to you, choose the Premium Option below.
The Premium Program includes one 30-minute coaching call.
"All my life I have yearned for a spiritual teacher, while being frightened of gurus. I wanted a teacher I could be comfortable with yet be skillfully taught by. I am blessed to have found this teacher in Eric. His wisdom, humility, real world business experience, and most of all, sense of humor, are allowing me to gain the spiritual maturity I yearn for.”
– Jennifer Louden,
Best Selling Author: The Women’s Comfort Book, Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What's Next

What graduates of Healing Family Karma say:
“My family doesn’t do fake forgiveness or “niceness”. They just cut you out!
So when I had a chance to test the results of the Healing Family Karma meditations this summer with my ex-husband during a family gathering, I didn’t know what would happen.
We had not spoken much in the 10 years since our divorce. I shared from the heart with no anger or concern for him to really hear me. This was the healing! And it went in!
My heart feels stronger and my family has just grown through the Healing Family
Karma practices. The progression that you led us through really works. Thank for sharing your wisdom and hearts with us.”
– Susan Dennett L.Ac., Encinitas, CA

“I wanted to bring healing to my relationship with one of my sisters.
I thought that the program might help me reopen to express my love for her and to help me figure out how I might approach her so that there would be healing between us.
I have a meditation practice of over three decades – yet still the program brought new insights and very deep healing experiences.
I now understand – in a more embodied way – that the healing has to be within me. I need to continue to open to and cultivate love for the sister within – the part of me of which my sister is the outer manifestation.
And, of course, it’s not just my sister. It is all the strife that I see in the world around me: cruelty, destruction, pain, violence; all that makes me turn and run for cover internally; all that I fear – which I’ve learned is the face of glory.
The meditations were great – so easy to follow. Your language and pace brought me into the heart. Even with teachings that I’d heard before, your presentation brought me new insights and real “ahas.”
This is a wonderful package of wisdom, meditation, and dialogue. So much support and real sense of safety and community!”
– Kathleen Lahiff, Chicago, Illinois

“I had never experienced anything like this before. I didn’t know what to expect.
This work prepared me for and gave me the inner support to be able to handle the sudden death of my husband and to be able to communicate to my daughters in ways I never would have been able to before.
I am always indebted to Eric and Devi for this education and awakening of my soul.”
– Jan T., La Jolla, CA

“I wasn’t sure how this would weave together with my Christian faith walk. What I very quickly discovered was a lot of intersections with my spiritual path. In fact, the work I’ve done with you has really helped advance me on my journey.
The program created context and helped me understand not just karma and my divine experience – but the intimate connection between spiritual opening and my emotional, psychological, dream life, and my actions. This has been really powerful.”
– Jennifer Wasmer, Northampton, Massachusetts

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